Linking IDAQ Collars to Movebank

This step by step guide will help you make your IDAQ collars available to add to a Movebank study via the live feed feature.

Link collars to Movebank account

From the IDAQ website navigate to the collar dashboard page. Select the collars you wish to work with and the "MOVEBANK CONFIGURATION" option from the configuration tab. Click the "Apply to Selected Collars" button to continue.

On the configuration page you can select which Movebank account you wish to link your collars to. Enter your Movebank account username or select it from the dropdown if you've already linked collars to the account before. Click the "Apply Movebank Setting" button. These collars are now ready to be linked to Movebank once they make their next transmission.

Important: Freshly linked collars will not appear as available tags on the Movebank website until their next transmission.

Create a new study

If you haven't created a Movebank study to add collars to you should do so now. Once logged in, click on the studies link in the top left corner of the page.

Click on the "New Study" button.

Fill in the required fields with information about your study, then click save.

You will then be prompted to select different permission options for the study, if you don’t need to change anything click the "Don’t change" button. If you do need to edit the permissions, do so and click "Save".

Add collars to your study

Once in you've clicked into your study navigate to the "Live Feeds" dropdown and click on the "ATS Iridium" link.

This will pop up a manager window where you can add tags (collars) to the study via the live feed. Click the "Add/Remove tags" button.

Choose the option to select from the list of accessible tags.

The list of available tags should show the collar serial numbers we added via the IDAQ.

One by one, select them by clicking on the serial number then click the right facing arrow button. This will move the tag to the selected tag list.

Once completed for all tags you'd like to add click the save button.

Back on the live feed manager the recently added tags should appear on the table. However it's possible that they appear with a "NOT IMPORTED" status. Clicking the refresh button should correct this.

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